Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hot Topic Tuesdays - Energy Drinks/Vitamin Waters

I'm sure there will be some late nights in the near future if there haven't been already this semester.  Cramming for an exam, finishing up a project or just something more exciting than sleep.  A lot of you may reach for an energy drink to keep you going. 

How healthy are drinks that claim they have extra nutrients or give you extra energy?

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) points out the following:
  • Many drinks with added vitamins/minerals are not providing the nutrients that are frequently lacking in American diets (Calcium, potassium, folate and vitamin D)
  • Some drinks are packed with calories often higher than soda.
  • Caffeine is frequently thought to be the major issue with energy drinks, but most drinks ranged between 0 to 141.1 mg/serving.  An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains 133 mg of caffeine.
  • Although some energy drinks/vitamin waters may be providing hydration, they are not addressing any major health concerns of today.
Overall, energy drinks/vitamin waters are likely not the "magic bullet" most people are looking for, but they can still fit within a healthy diet.  To ensure they fit, READ the label!  And if you just drinking them for extra vitamins/minerals....try a daily multivitamin instead.

So when you are trying to pull an all-nighter and are reaching for something to keep you going....sleep might really be the best bet.

Information for this article was adapted from the American Dietetic Association's Hot Topic: Functional Beverages by Sharon Palmer, Feb 2008.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The Nutrition Corner News is now available! 

Where to find it?

What's inside?
  • Myth Busters!
    • The Freshman 15?
    • Extra Protein = More Muscle?
    • Low Carb Diets?
  • Stress Busters
  • Strong Bones
  • Energy Boosters
Pick your copy up today!

Have questions about the articles?  Want answers? Post a comment or send me an email (NIUNutritionQuestions@gmail.com).

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's that time of year...

It's time to pack those bookbags with your new pens, books, paper and maybe an apple for the road.  Summer break has come to an end and now it's time to start up those brains for another semester of school.

Welcome (or welcome back) to NIU!  Whether you are a campus veteran or just starting out at NIU, the Nutrition Information Unraveled (N.I.U.) blog is here for you.  I am the new TK GA hoping to fill the big shoes of my predecessors.  Each week I will post current nutrition and wellness-related info in hopes of addressing topics that are applicable to your lives here on campus and at home.  I am also available to answer any nutrition questions you may have.

Please shoot me an email at NIUNutritionQuestions@gmail.com to ask questions or provide suggestions for future blog posts.  Any and all nutrition questions/comments are welcome.  If you are wondering about something, more than likely several other readers are thinking the same so just ask.  This blog is here to help you be a healthy and happy student here at NIU.

Fall semester can be challenging to find your groove, but a healthy lifestyle can make that transition a bit easier.  So go out for a walk before the cold settles in and enjoy all the wonderful fresh foods that warm weather brings.  They won't be here much longer!

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