Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Can I Get Going in the Morning? BREAKFAST!

I know you have all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day and alot of you probably still don't take the time to have something to eat in the morning.  Well let me try one more time and provide some quick on-the-go options.

Breakfast is just that, it is "breaking the fast."  Your body has been fasting all night as it sleeps and now is ready to be refueled for the day.  Breakfast has been found to improve concentration, make problem solving easier and improve muscle coordination.  Additionally, individuals who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight (not overeating throughout the rest of the day).

I know you are students who value their rest, but getting up a couple minutes early is enough time to grab some quick breakfast or waking up in enough time to head to a dining hall may even give you a little extra time to study.

Breakfast ideas:

  • Keep instant oatmeal in your room! Throw it in the microwave with some water or milk.  Then layer on some raisins or dried cranberries.  Any walnuts or almonds handy?  Throw those in too for some added protein.
  • Layer some yogurt with your favorite crunchy cereal
  • Spread some peanut butter on any whole grain bread product (bagel, bread, tortilla, english muffin) and add fruit to the top.  Try bananas or apples.
Heading to the dining hall?
  • Craving a waffle? top it with some yogurt and fruit to add some extra nutrients.
  • Grab a hard boiled egg and some shredded cheese to top a couple pieces of toast or english muffin.
  • Take advantage of the fruit selection and top your bowl of cereal with some strawberries, blueberries, sliced peaches or whatever looks the freshest.
Never crave breakfast food? Getting some calories, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals is what it comes down to.
  • Grab a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
  • Eat some leftover vegetable topped pizza.
  • Wrap up some deli turkey and low-fat cheese in a tortilla and off you go.

Bottom Line: Grab something before you head out the door.  If you have never eaten breakfast start small with a granola bar and a glass of milk.  Slowly add other nutrients to your morning to refuel your body for your day ahead.

You can always check dining halls menus and nutritional content before heading over.  Still have questions? Send me an email at niunutritionquestions@gmail.com or head over to the Rec and sign up for a nutrition session!

Source: American Dietetic Association

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