Monday, September 13, 2010

Vitamins & Minerals....what's the point?

It's easy to say "I want to eat healthy," but what does that really mean beyond carbohydrates, protein and fat?  It also means, don't forget about your vitamins and minerals!

Vitamins- complex chemical substances that work as regulators. They often act as coenzymes, or partners, with enzymes, the proteins that cause reactions to take place in your body

  • Water Soluble - Vitamin C & B Vitamins
  • Fat Soluble - Vitamins A, D, E, & K

Minerals- substances that are part of many cells. They are involved in fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve impulses.

Vitamins & Minerals assist in ....

  • Helping carbohydrates, fats, and proteins produce energy
  • Assisting with protein synthesis
  • Helping you see in the dark
  • Helping to keep the body functioning normally
Follow the blog's future posts for specifics on what each vitamin and mineral does for you body and where you find them in food!  Specific vitamin/mineral questions? Send me an email!

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