Thursday, September 2, 2010

Start your routine off right!

A new semester means a new routine.  Getting familiar with new schedules, food and resources available on campus can be stressful.  In hopes of starting that routine off with some healthy habits try these!
  • Get moving at the Rec! The recreation center is FREE to students.  Take Advantage! So many options to stay physically active.... The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to work physical activity into your weekly schedule. Try getting 30 minutes most days of the week. They offer:
  • EAT! Figuring out a new schedule means fitting food in there eventually.  When you're overly hungry you tend to overeat at the next meal. Strive to make time for three meals per day with small healthy snacks in between. 
    • Make time for breakfast. Even on the go!
    • Pack a lunch/snacks.
    • Keep the dining hall schedule in your bookbag.
    • Plan a dinner date with friends as a study break.
    • Keep a water bottle with you.
  • Think ahead. NIU provides menus and nutrition information online!  So... USE IT! Check out the menu and decide on some healthy options before getting there.
    • Start with a salad
    • Make your plate colorful
      • Try some red, green or orange colored foods
    • Share a dessert
    • Look for grilled, steamed or broiled
New semester, new routine.  Try to incorporate some of these healthy options into your routine now and hopefully they will stick with you as the semester progresses.

Have some other healthy habits to share?  Send me an email....

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