Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fat: Good or Bad?

So what's a GOOD fat?
  • Good fats are the unsaturated fats found mostly in plant foods.
  • Good fats in moderate amounts can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve blood cholesterol levels when used in place of saturated fat.
  • Sources include:
    • Vegetable oils (olive, canola, sunflower, safflower)
    • Peanut butter & other nut butters
    • Avocadoes
    • Nuts
    • Seeds
    • Olives
Not-So-Good Fats
  • Saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol should be eaten in lower amounts.
  • These fats tend to raise the risk of heart disease and raise total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Trans fat has also been shown to reduce HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).
  • Saturated fats are found mainly in animal foods such as meat, poultry, eggs and dairy. Cholesterol is found ONLY in animal foods.
  • Trans fat is found mainly in fried foods, cookies, crackers, and pastries

Guest blogger this week is Aaron Feest.

Still have FAT questions? Shoot them my way!!

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